Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Key Word Project; the meaning of words and the perception of people who use them. Part 2

 Today we finish our list of words.  We will continue to look at the dictionary meaning ant then we will look at the word more as what it means to me or people in my life.  

Word #5:  Freedom 

Miriam Webster defines this as the quality or state of being free.  

I will attach here a link to a. video that shows my favorite definition of this word lately: 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YHVC1DcHmo. The joy and movement in this video by John Baptiste, the dancing, the song, I wish we all could feel like that.  

Freedom can mean so many things.  As a teenager I longed for the "freedom" of living on my own.  I moved out and quickly realized that I wasn't free to do whatever I wanted.  Everyone wanted money from me.  

Freedom was an explosive word at the end of the civil war.  As so many people who had been born into slavery found that they no longer wore their lifelong bonds.  

Word #6;  Sadza 

This word isn't in the dictionary but I found many explanations of it when I went on line to learn how it was made.  It is a cornmeal mash that is like a cereal.  It is almost pure white in most of the pictures I saw.  and as near as I can tell it is similar to grits or polenta.  It is boiled for some time and used like a starchy base (like rice)   

I look forward now to making a chicken stew with chicken, onions, tomatoes and peppers and serving it with greens and a serving of sadza.  this will be served with a light amber beer, probably a gluten free one made from sorghum to help keep the meal more authentic.  

Word #7;  Civilization 

Miriam Webster definition; 

1.) a relatively high level of cultural and technological development 

2.) The culture characteristic of a particular time and place 

This word could go on with definition after definition.  Everyone seem to have a different one.  But the image I have of that word is Europeans secure in their own superiority crossing the world to take whatever they wanted.  There is a joke about the National Museum of England that has to do with the fact that while there are artifacts from England in the museum it has things from all over the world that the English just took from countries when they were there.  

But to me civilization is a place where we all respect each other and support each other.  I think that restorative justice, food justice, fair pay, These are the things that make a civilization great.  

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Key Word Project; the meaning of words and the perception of people who use them.

 What do words mean?  When we look at definitions we often have to look from different sides of the word.  Play for instance can mean a very different thing to a 12 year old child than to their 45 year old father.  This comes to mind as I read through the literature of colonialism and that of globalization.  To a titan of capitalism, fat and happy with his tie firmly knotted in a double Windsor the world seems like a place full of opportunity and profit.  To a cashier ringing up the 200th package of toilet paper that day worrying about how their meager paycheck will pay the bills the only positive effect they can see from globalization is that they can buy a small package of strawberries at the end of their shift.  

The first word we will tackle is WEALTH 


Oxford English Dictionary defines wealth as; 

The condition of being happy and prosperous; well being (obsolete) 

This definition does not necessarily correlate to our readings.  It is a definition of wealth that is mostly obsolete although we still use it.  I often consider myself having wealth even as I live from paycheck to paycheck as I am mostly healthy, have loving family, have a place to live and know how to feed myself and my loved ones.  

Prosperity consisting in abundance of possessions, ‘worldly goods’, valuable possessions, esp. In great abundance; riches Affluence.  

This definition is more in line with our readings.  Especially as we read white tiger and Dasgupta.  

From middle English, as a relation to health. 


Wealth is a concept that is very old but has had many meanings throughout history.  Here in the United States as in many other countries we see wealth as equaling success, with it comes standing, ease, better health, better food, access to more things.  If you have spent your life in serving people as I have, through retail, food, coffee or beer and wine you are seen as someone that isn’t successful.  We see wealthy people succeed in politics without experience or the abilities to do the job but we think “well they are wealthy, so they are successful, so they will be successful” even though we wouldn’t let a successful real estate magnate operate on us or fix our car without the proper education.  This country, and others like India envision wealth as the solution to everything that is wrong with their life.  I have worked all my life (which is quite a while at this point) and never been wealthy.  My success has always been written in my family, and in my jobs has always been more about happiness and enjoyment, so in that I have “wealth”.  


Word #2 OOZE 

Miriam Webster  English Dictionary definition; 

1.) A soft deposition the bottom off a body of water

2.) A piece of soft wet plastic ground : a marsh or bog that results from the from the flow of a spring, stream or brooklet. 

  • We often talk of oozing out of bed or blood oozing from a wound.  In our reading of the white tiger he spoke of the ooze of the mud as it swallowed his mother's burning body.  In this aspect it had a monstrous quality feeling threatening and possessive.  

    Word #3. MUD. 

    Miriam Webster English Dictionary Definition. 

    1.) A slimy sticky mixture of solid material with a liquid and especially water 

    2.) Abusive and malicious remarks or charges 

    Mud can be what oozes (see above) through your toes on a barefoot walk into the back yard.  It can also be what you dish on your coworker or another politician.  It can also be your name, albeit spelled differently, when you have been disgraced.  We can build huts from mud or make bricks and then build houses.  

    Word #4.  Food. 

    Miriam Webster Dictionary Definition. 

    1.) Material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body. of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital process and to furnish energy.  

    2.) Inorganic substances absorbed by plants in gaseous form or in water solution  

    These definitions lack the warmth and passion I feel about food.  Food is what I sell at work (I work in a grocery store and while I may manage the Beer and wine department we talk a lot about food in its various forms) its what I prepare at home for my family.  I have spent my life thinking about preparing, serving food.  It is often the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before bed.  I spend my days off when I feel well working in my kitchen on making food that we can sit at the table and eat together.  It also is something that can create a feeling of satisfaction and security or on the other hand it can take away security.  For anyone who has had to put everything in their basket back because they realized they couldn't pay for it or have had to go without food for any length of time food can come with the attachment of insecurity.                                                                                                                                          

    Saturday, May 14, 2022

    An Old Friend

    A friend wrote me an email 
    lengthly in its words
    it was larger in substance
    as the small words formed 
    to reveal the details of a life lived 
    at times alongside mine 
    and other times far away

    We live in different places 
    but both are married
    both have children 
    both tried to be better parents 
    than the examples we'd seen before 
    the continents different
    but the struggles still very similar 

    What anxiety is left from a past moment
    that we feel in the present 
    as if the past is somehow catapulted 
    into the now, into the present 
    How can it be that my breath comes in bursts
    and my heart somehow tries to beat out of my chest 
    As breath calms, and my heart returns to its normal rythm, 
    I think what was that? Why did I feel so scared? 
    Who can help me if it happens again 

    Where do we turn as adults when the fear, 
    the panic, the pain of our childhoods stands up before us?
    But a friend writes me an email 
    and we talk about how we laughed 
    we talk about how we danced all night sometimes, 
    running to catch the ferry to go home to houses 
    that weren't always as welcoming as they could've been. 

    we write back and forth about the time 
    when we only thought about what the next song was 
    and if it would be good enough to continue dancing 
    or should we go sit on the steps and drag a breath 
    of sweet clove smoke from an aquaintance we found outside.

    We write about our pain, and our loves 
    write about our history and a hoped for future 
    we continue to tell each other stories that we shared 
    and stories we didnt but we continue to write, emails, 
    back and forth across time zones and oceans, across time 
    a friend wrote me an email.

    Friday, April 3, 2020


    I want to sit
    In a small cafe
    And drink an espresso
    As people walk by the window
    Uninterested, unafraid
    Unaffected by the death
    That seems to lurk
    In every person, table, shopping trolley.
    I want to go to work
    And smile at people
    A visible smile
    Not hidden
    By a mask.
    A mask not of death but of fear
    For myself
    For those I love
    At home, sad from
    The news that keeps coming
    The stories telling of more
    Out of work
    Trying to decide
    What to do without.

    Thursday, December 7, 2017

    Death in Portland

    When I die
    I want you 
    To put me out
    On the curb

    Put a sign 
    On me
    Free, and maybe 
    Some hipster

    Will take me home
    Prop me 
    In the corner 
    And hang their coats 

    From my rigor stricken
    Hands and place 
    Their hats
    On my head.

    Monday, November 13, 2017

    Apple Pie
    ---Jason Murray

    Mother’s kitchen is lit
    Only by the glow of
    The oven’s feeble light.
    Sitting framed by the glass
    In the oven door
    A pretty little pie
    Alone, but not lonely.
    Basking in the heat of the oven
    Turning form
    Pastry pale to a flaky,
    Golden brown.

    Mother walks in
    Changing the light
    With a wave of her hand
    Across the switch plate.
    Glancing at the pie
    Through the glass
    And at the timer’s
    Slow turn of the time
    She pulls out a bowl
    And starts on the process
    Of cooking dinner.

    Aunt Daphne walks in
    Eager to talk about her day
    Potatoes are peeled and eggs boiled for potato salad.
    A piece of carrot
    Disappears among the little details of Daphne’s day,
    People and things
    That have little to do with the

    Details of dinner.

    Olive Murray
    ---Jason Murray

    Loss weighed heavily
    on his mind
    the sense that they
    all were leaving
    first his son
    then his mother
    now, his wife.

    30 years
    less than a life
    but more than
    most are together
    he left then

    left his home
    left his work
    left his country
    and went walking
    about the world

    across marble plazas
    polished by years of
    quiet feet
    these plazas now ruined
    by bombs and civil war
    a plaza where terrified
    civilians hid from
    a snipers rifle

    He went to the
    home of his people
    the quiet pubs
    full of men drinking
    and talking of the same things
    they've talked about
    a hundred pints before
    He walked quiet
    through the graveyards
    and thought of the love
    he had buried back home.