Saturday, April 13, 2024

Key Word Project; the meaning of words and the perception of people who use them.

 What do words mean?  When we look at definitions we often have to look from different sides of the word.  Play for instance can mean a very different thing to a 12 year old child than to their 45 year old father.  This comes to mind as I read through the literature of colonialism and that of globalization.  To a titan of capitalism, fat and happy with his tie firmly knotted in a double Windsor the world seems like a place full of opportunity and profit.  To a cashier ringing up the 200th package of toilet paper that day worrying about how their meager paycheck will pay the bills the only positive effect they can see from globalization is that they can buy a small package of strawberries at the end of their shift.  

Mission is one such word.  Someone can be on a mission to bring good to others in the world.  But the person who builds the water reclamation project while on the mission to help others sees the word so much differently than someone who is on a mission to build their company up and does so by finding the cheaper worker 1/2 way around the world, setting sales goals that this person will work far harder to beat because their mission is to make their tiny family a better life.