Saturday, May 14, 2022

An Old Friend

A friend wrote me an email 
lengthly in its words
it was larger in substance
as the small words formed 
to reveal the details of a life lived 
at times alongside mine 
and other times far away

We live in different places 
but both are married
both have children 
both tried to be better parents 
than the examples we'd seen before 
the continents different
but the struggles still very similar 

What anxiety is left from a past moment
that we feel in the present 
as if the past is somehow catapulted 
into the now, into the present 
How can it be that my breath comes in bursts
and my heart somehow tries to beat out of my chest 
As breath calms, and my heart returns to its normal rythm, 
I think what was that? Why did I feel so scared? 
Who can help me if it happens again 

Where do we turn as adults when the fear, 
the panic, the pain of our childhoods stands up before us?
But a friend writes me an email 
and we talk about how we laughed 
we talk about how we danced all night sometimes, 
running to catch the ferry to go home to houses 
that weren't always as welcoming as they could've been. 

we write back and forth about the time 
when we only thought about what the next song was 
and if it would be good enough to continue dancing 
or should we go sit on the steps and drag a breath 
of sweet clove smoke from an aquaintance we found outside.

We write about our pain, and our loves 
write about our history and a hoped for future 
we continue to tell each other stories that we shared 
and stories we didnt but we continue to write, emails, 
back and forth across time zones and oceans, across time 
a friend wrote me an email.

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